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Roseway Theatre
Portland, Oregon

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One Going In! - Instead of Another One Going Out!
Excerpt from The Console magazine, October 1980 (v18, No. 10, pp1,17):
PORTLAND, OREGON - Here's a switch; an organ going in a theatre, instead of another coming out. And it's taking place at the Roseway Theatre where Terry Robson is installing a 3/12 Robert-Morton theatre pipe organ.
This instrument is said to be the last one of the Robert-Morton organs built by the Van Nuys, California firm before liquidation.
The Roseway was built in 1925, and the original organ was in the theatre until 1953, when it was removed during the time a Cinemascope screen was being installed.

"GOOD NEWS - Terry Robson stands beside the Robert-Morton console he has moved into position on October 4th to be wired into the 12-rank instrument he is currently installing in the Roseway Theatre, Portland, Oregon. Additional photos and information appear on Page 17 of this issue.
Robson moved the Morton console in on October 4th. Pipework will be installed as time permits, so it will be a while before the instrument is in playing condition. The 'new' organ will permit the Roseway management to eventually include silent pictures with their present policy of exhibiting "oldies but goodies."

Although Terry is a member of the local ATOS chapter, he is installing he Robert-Morton strictly as a private undertaking. He owns the organ and has worked out his own arrangements for erecting the organ in the Roseway with the owners and operators of the house, David Jones and David Evans.
-Photos and information by Claude V. Neuffer


The following ad for the instrument appeared in the August 1984 Pipeline.
FOR SALE: 3M/13R ROBERT MORTON PIPE ORGAN, currently installed in Roseway Theatre, Portland and described on page 20 of the January/February 1982 THEATRE ORGAN magazine. 16' Viol, Concert Flute and Tibia; 8' Diapason, Vox, Oboe Horn, Salicional, Celeste, wooden Harmonic Flute, Violin Diapason, Haskell Clarinet, Dulciana and Unda Maris. Two blowers, two relays, two sets of shutters, four tremulants, some pipes are mitered. Single row stop rail, inter- and intra-manual couplers. The organ was voiced by Bob Hansen. Owner Terry Robson has accepted employment in Indiana and must sell the organ immediately, $6000.

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