Dusan Mrak
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Dusan Mrak on left with Walt Strony. Jerry van der Pol in background. September, 1999. |
Dusan was born in Yugoslavia and has lived in this country since 1962. He began playing the
accordion at the age of seven and then switched to piano and organ in 1958. He has
performed in Europe as a soloist on accordion and in South Africa on piano and organ. |
While living in New York, Dusan worked for the Wurlitzer Co. at Gimbels Dept. Store and gave
several concerts on the 4500 and 4520 series. Dusan moved to the Northwest and settled in
Anacortes, Washington. He is currently employed in the fashion industry and has lectured all over
the United States on ladies fashion and designer orginals.
Dusan has a large Allen George Wright theatre organ installed in an impressive music room he designed and built himself. He has enjoyed the personal tutoring of Walt Strony and specializes in light classics, semi-classics and other organ favorites.