
Jerry Jorgensen (1946-1998)
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Jerry shown at the Oaks Park Wurlitzer |
Jerry was the popular staff organist at Oaks Park Roller
Rink in Portland, Oregon. He served as roller-skating director for the Oregon Special Olympics
from 1991 to 1997.
A memorial service was held Oct. 13, 1998 in the Oaks Park Dance Pavilion. The family suggests
remembrances to the Northwest Roller Skating Foundation, P.O. Box 82440, Portland, OR 97282, or
the Columbia Special Olympics. |
Jerry had been the head organist at Oaks Park for almost 15 years. He also played at the
Imperial Rink in Portland before that, and taught
organ for many years. Jerry's style of playing for skaters was always the best. Being a skater himself,
he knew the importance of keeping perfect time, and he never missed a beat. In addition to playing
locally, Jerry also provided the music for the J. O. Nationals held in various places in the country
each year. Jerry, and his music will be missed by many.
Together with Keith Fortune, Jerry produced an Acorn Recordings CD release of skating music
played on the large Wurlitzer instrument. It is available by contacting Oaks Park