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1998 ATOS Young Organist Competition

The Young Organist Competition sponsored by the American Theatre Organ Society takes place annually. It was established to encourage and showcase young organists who otherwise might never become known beyond their home towns!
The competition begins at the local level by identifying talented young organists, and helping them to prepare for the competition. There are certain rules set up outlining the music they must perform. The initial presentation is recorded on tape and submitted to a panel of judges. From these tapes, contestants are selected for final competition. Division winners compete at the ATOS National Convention each summer.
Now is the time of year to begin getting ready for the 1998 competition. YOUR help is needed! Do you know a young organist who could be spurred onward through this competition? Do you know a teacher who might have a worthy student? There is prize money and recognition at stake!
Please help to encourage young organists. We must nuture them and help them develop if we wish to insure the continuance of the Theatre Organ hobby into the next century!

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