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RON RHODE Plays Theatre Organ Pops!
Saturday evening, October 24, 1998 7:30PM
For the past twenty-five years, Ron Rhode has played concerts across the U.S., Canada, England and Australia. A featured artist at many ATOS conventions, Ron was awarded Theatre Organist Of The Year - 1989 by ATOS. A native of Illinois, he began his musical career on the piano, and quickly advanced to classical pipe organ. He held his first job on theatre pipe organ playing for roller skating. In 1973 he moved to Phoenix, Arizona, to begin a long association with the Organ Stop Pizza Restaurants.

PSTOS is proud to bring Ron to the Northwest for this event. Hear the spectacular 4/48 Wurlitzer at the Wilcox Wurlitzer in Gig Harbor.

This will be an outstanding Fall event...put it on your calendar now!

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