
Paramount's Silent Presentations Were Outstanding!
August 10, 17 & 24 - 8:00PM
Original concert series announcement
If you missed out, you missed real fun!
The Paramount Theatre's Silent Movie Mondays appear to have been a
resounding success. This is great news for theatre organ aficionados.
Dennis James, a well-known expert at accompanying silents, did an
outstanding job. Not only was his accompaniment superb, but his showmanship
added much to the enjoyment of the presentations. And our own Randy Rock
and Steve Levin's pre-program presentations of theatre history, etc., were
a real bonus.
The Paramount management is to be commended for bringing these fine
productions to Seattle. And it was most gratifying to PSTOS members to note
that many of those in attendance were YOUNG! Many looked to be in their 20s
and 30s, which bodes well for the continuing interest in the Wurlitzer!