
Walter Strony in Concert - October 11, 1998
Gould Residence 3/28 Wurlitzer
More information on the Gould Wurlitzer
Thanks to Jerry Gould and Greg Smith for the following review of the recent Walt Strony
concert at the Gould residence.
"On Oct. 11, Jerry and Mary Gould hosted on their magnificent Wurlitzer, an inspired concert
by Walter Strony. Walter played an impossibly difficult program including Bernstien
transcriptions, Widor's Toccata from the Fifth Symphony, Highlights of Andrew Lloyd
Weber's five Broadway hit musicals and operatic arias making full use of the abundant
pedal resources including the newly installed 32' diaphone extension. No less than 3 times
Walter remarked how he loved playing this wonderful instrument and the concert hall sound
that surrounded him. "It's easy to play", he countered. This landmark event was attended
by 93 people including 27 from the local PSTOS chapter." |