
David Difiore in Concert
October 19, 1997
The David DiFiore concert was new, different, and well-attended...
The Town Hall Concert featuring David DiFiore was a new and enjoyable experience! Sponsored jointly by
PSTOS and University Temple United Methodist Church, the program was varied and included spirituals, a 16th
century Dance Suite, some improvisations, the famous Charles Ives Variations on "America", and other
semi-classics and classics. Our thanks to Norman Miller, who worked with David to put the event together,
and to David, as well, who put a tremendous amount of effort into the program. The Town Hall Concert format
was suggested by Norman, and this could well be a type of event to plan again.
Puget Sound Theatre Organ Society in cooperation with University Temple United Methodist Church
will sponsor a Town Hall Concert featuring the Temple's internationally known Artist-in-Residence, Mr. David DiFiore,
on Sunday October 19 at 2:30PM.
The program will feature patriotic, gospel, improvisations, romantic, classic and not-so-classic music, and will
recreate the Town Hall concerts of the 1800's performed on the Town Hall pipe organs of Europe, England and Australia. The broad
variety or music planned will appeal to all musical tastes.
Mr. DiFiore has an international reputation, touring regularly in the U.S., France, Italy, Canada and Hungary. He has performed
at the Notre-Dame in Pariserforms in Hungary. The organist at University Temple for the past 25 years, he can bring the
most out of the Temple's American Classic organ. He is a graduate of the University of Washington where he studied
with the late Professor Walter Eichinger. He has also studied woth Odile Pierre in Paris. David recently recorded a CD with
the Auburn Symphony Orchestra and regularly performs with the Pacific Northwest Ballet.
The Temple will provide a no-host light luncheon buffet preceding the concert. A free-will donation is encouraged.
The church is located at the corner of 15th NE and NE 43rd Street in the University District of Seattle. Free parking is
available across the street in the University of Washington parking lot.
Admission is $8. by mail, $10. at the door. Age 16 and under free.
Order tickets from:
PSTOS Tickets
c/o Norman Miller
2644 N.W. Esplanade
Seattle, WA 98117-2527
Driving directions
Advance purchase tickets may be picked up at the door.