
It's Easy to Join
Puget Sound Theatre Organ Society
PSTOS has partnered with PayPal to provide a secure way for you to join online using a credit card.
A new PSTOS membership is just $12.50 for the first calendar year ($25 thereafter) and covers all individuals residing at the same physical address!
PSTOS membership is for the calendar year, so regardless of when in the year you join, your membership is good through the next December.
Please consider joining PSTOS at one of our elevated support levels:
- Supporter ($50)
- Promoter ($100)
- Benefactor ($250)
- Life Member ($500, one time payment)
Any amount above the standard $25 membership is fully tax deductible and goes directly to support PSTOS programs.
You may also wish to join ATOS, the American Theatre Organ Society. ATOS currently has a special promotional membership rate of $25 per year for new members (or members who have been lapsed for more than two years). ATOS membership includes a subscription to the full-color, bi-monthly THEATRE ORGAN magazine. After the first year, ATOS membership will be billed directly to you by ATOS at the regular $50 rate (renews one year from the month you joined). Learn more about ATOS.
Please select the appropriate New Membership Type from the dropdown list.
If you have any questions about PSTOS membership, please e-mail:
Or, if you prefer, Join Via Mail-in Form
If you prefer to join via mail-in form, please use our downloadable PSTOS mail-in membership application. Mail your completed form and check payable to "PSTOS" to:
Puget Sound Theatre Organ Society
10002 Aurora Ave N, Suite 36 #516
Seattle, WA 98133-9329
Benefits of PSTOS Membership
PSTOS is an official Chapter of the
American Theatre Organ Society, and was founded in 1958. More than 240 single and family memberships are found in today's PSTOS roster from the entire Pacific Northwest and British Columbia.
A number of PSTOS members have theatre pipe organs installed in their homes, and often welcome the membership for special events.
PSTOS owns a three manual eleven rank theatre pipe organ, installed in Haller Lake Community Club in North Seattle. It is available for members' use for practice and lessons.
PSTOS has concerts featuring nationally and internationally recognized theatre pipe organists, organ "crawls", workshops on playing the organ, picnics, socials, a Christmas party, and other interesting events. |

PSTOS publishes "Puget Sound Pipeline," a monthly newsletter to keep members abreast of upcoming activities and happenings in the theatre organ world. The Pipeline also includes interesting historical articles. |
If you have any questions about PSTOS membership, e-mail:

Harold Lloyd in Safety Last, 1923