St. Columban Parish Hall - 3/16 Robert Morton
Yelm, Washington
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Driving Directions

Three-manual Robert Morton console
This instrument was originally installed in Tacoma's
Pantages Theatre. After being removed from the theatre, it was installed for a number of
years in the Everett residence of Bill Morrison.
In the late 1970's, the instrument was sold to a couple from Portland. It sat unused (but
well protected) for many years before being purchased in 1997 by Father Terrence Wager.
Andy Crow, Les Lehne, Bob White and others installed this instrument in the Social Hall of the church.
A "debut" open-console event for PSTOS & CROC members was held on July 11, 1998.

St. Columban Social Hall

A recent PSTOS open-console event
Robert Morton 3/10 original rank list:
16 Tuba
16 Diaphone/Diapason
16 Bourdon/Concert Flute
8 Tibia
8 Violin
8 Violin Celeste
8 Orchestral Oboe
8 Clarinet
8 Kinura
8 Vox Humana
6 ranks were added