
Perunke (Sunset) Theatre - 2/4 Wurlitzer, Style 135B
Tacoma, Washington
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The Perunke (Sunset) Theatre originally had a 2/4 Wurlitzer installed October 1919 as opus #253, a Style 135B. In 1942, the instrument was moved to the Emmanuel Tabernacle in Seattle, Washington by Balcom & Vaughan.
According to Jim Stettner, "The original console was not installed, and its disposition is unknown. An Everett Orgatron console was used. And a Morton Diaphone was added. At an unknown time, Richard Warburton added a tenor C, 8' Dulciana and a tenor C, 8' Unda Maris to the organ on new D-E chests."
As of 2006, the building was called "Emmanuel Bible Church."