
Steve's Gay 90's Restaurant - 3/8 Wurlitzer
Tacoma, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1970-1973
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Featured organists Arnold Leverenz and Jane Powers McKee, c.1970's

Steve's Gay 90's console, c.1971
Steve's Gay Nineties 90's initially had a Seeburg Orchestrion piano with flute pipes, castanets and cymbals.
In the early 1970s, Brian Ingoldsby installed a three-manual theatre pipe organ. The organ was actually made up of parts from two instruments: the pipes and windchests from opus #776, a Style F previously owned by Don French, and the three manual console from opus #935 a Style 260 from the State Theatre, Cleveland Ohio. Don French purchased the console in 1969 and brought it to Seattle. According to Terry Hochmuth, a Wurlitzer relay previously installed at King Roller Rink was combined with another relay to control the Steve's instrument.
Opus #776 was originally installed in the Liberty Theatre North Bend, Oregon. In 1943, the organ was moved by Balcom & Vaughan to the
Show Box Club dance hall in Seattle.
Brian sold the original Liberty Theatre console (which had been modified while at the Show Box to a three-manual by Balcom & Vaughan) to Terry Hochmuth who converted it back to a two and totally restored it.
After the restaurant closed around 1972-1973, the organ was placed in storage for 15 years. The three-manual console from opus #935 and pipes, percussions, windchests and trems from opus #776 were purchased by Russ & Jo Ann Evans of Kenmore in 1992.

Postcard for Steve Gay 90's, date unknown