
Colonial Theatre - 2/9 Wurlitzer
Tacoma, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1919 - 1931
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Interior of the Colonial Theatre, Wurlitzer console visible in orchestra pit, date unknown
The Colonial had two different organs:
In 1914, an Estey instrument was installed via "Moore Instrument Company." In 1917, this instrument moved to Stadium High School in Tacoma. Three stops and traps were added after the move.
In 1919, a two-manual Wurlitzer, Style 210 "Special" opus #263 was installed. This instrument was later moved by Balcom & Vaughan to Spokane's Fox Theatre. In 1961, it was removed from that location sold to an individual in California.

Auditorium of the Colonial Theatre. Note fresco painting on walls

Sign for a show at the Colonial Theatre starting October 7, 1927
Photos courtesy William Zinn