
Currier Residence - 2/ Robert Morton
Spokane, Washington
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The Currier residence organ was originally from Spokane's American Theatre. It was a two-manual Robert Morton of unknown size.
According to George Perks of Spokane, the Robert Morton instrument was moved from the theatre... "to Wallace Idaho and played in a Masonic temple then later moved to Spokane by Harold Currier. He installed it in his home on the South Hill in Spokane with the pipe work in the basement (an older turn of the century home with stone basement). All of the larger pipework was installed in a horizontal position as the basement was only a little less than seven feet high. Years later he sold the home with the organ in it. The organ was not playable and the later owners took the console apart in many pieces, cutting cables, pulling screws and pretty much ruining it. They did this to make it easy to get out of the small doors on the living room. When I heard about the organ, the home owners were again selling the home and were making a deal with a scrap dealer to take the pipes and other equipment out of the basement where it had been left for many years in dampness, and with pets and children climbing all over it. There was a Morton Marimba that had to be completely taken apart and rebuilt, a Wurlitzer Chrys and a Wurlitzer toy counter and Glock. The water had completely ruined the relay and some chests had been wet."
George rebuilt several of the components and added them to his large Kimball concert organ originaly from Sholwalter Hall at Eastern Washington University. More information on the Perks instrument is available here.