Snohomish, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1930-1995
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Kimball console at St. John's. Photo courtesy Jim Stettner
The St. John's Episcopal Kimball was originally installed in Seattle's Ridgemont Theatre. A Diapason was added to the base specification, making it a 2/6 as installed in the church.
The organ was replaced in 1995 by a Bond tracker and then sold to the Pipe Organ Trust. Parts of the organ were moved to Everett's Cosmopolitan Theatre but the installation was never completed. Current disposition is unknown.

Pipework of the 2/6 Kimball. Photo courtesy Jim Stettner
According to Larry Mayer, organist at St. John's 1988-1989 and 1992-2001:
You'll notice the Vox is on the walk board in the photo - I had put the Wangerin Trumpet I bought from Seattle St. Joe's into the Trumpet holes. When I arrived, there was a Celeste in those holes. I moved the Celeste to the Vox chest - as much as I could and put the lowest 12 on a chest that Pat Lajko gave me. The Diapason was on its own chest that had been added... and I used Reisner switches and diodes to run Diapason / or Tibia / or Both off the Tibia Spreader. There was no relay - it was all done in the console! There was no Acc to Solo or Acc to Pedal.
The original toy counter was moved to the church, but later removed, which was too bad - there were a couple of pieces in the hymnal that would have been improved with the tambourine... 536. Open your ears, O faithful people (in the 1982 Hymnal).
The organ was set to speak into the parish hall as well as the sanctuary. I was paid one time to play "light secular music" for a 50th anniversary celebration. It was a bit odd - I was in the church, and could not know what was going on in the parish hall. Independent "Stage" and "Auditorium" shutter switches were available at the console (I'm not sure of the exact names). They could be both on, both off, or just one or the other one - your choice.
I don't remember which worked which, but the parish Hall had 8 shutters (of various size) and 8 motors - these seemed to be Kimball - maybe these had been the auditorium shutters at the Ridgemont Theatre. Facing the church had 8 shutters - all the same size - ganged 2 per motor - and only 4 motors - not sure if these were Kimball - maybe these were the "stage" shutters.
St. John's stoplist, courtesy Larry Mayer 2014
St. John's Episcopal Church 1930
Snohomish, Washington
6 Rks, 2 Man, 2 Perc
32' Acoustic Bass
16' Contra Bass
8' Trumpet
8' Tibia/Diapason
8' Violin
8' Flute
4' Violin
16' Bourdon
8' Trumpet
8' Tibia/Diapason
8' Violin
8' Celeste
8' Flute
4' Violin
4' Celeste
4' Forest Flute
2 2/3' Nazard
2' Piccolo
8' Harp (T.C.)
Accom. 2nd T.
8' Trumpet
8' Tibia/Diapason
4' Tibia/Diapason
8' Chimes
16' Trombone (T.C.)
16' Tibia/Diapason (T.C.)
16' Contre Viole (T.C.)
16' Celeste (T.C.)
8' Trumpet
8' Tibia/Diapason
8' Violin
8' Orchestral Oboe
8' Celeste
8' Flute
4' Trumpet
4' Tibia/Diapason
4' Violin
4' Celeste
4' Forest Flute
2 2/3' Nazard
2' Piccolo
1 3/5' Tierce
8' Chimes
Solo: C 1-2-3-4-5, 2nd T. adds Acc.
Accom: C 1-2-3-4-5, 2nd T. adds Ped.
Pedal: 1-2-3-4-5
(C = Cancel)
Expression Pedal
Crescendo Pedal/Light
Sforzando Toe Lever/Light
Chimes Sustain Toe Lever/Light
Chimes Soft Toe Lever/Light