
Paramount Theatre - Wurlitzer Publix 1 (initially 4/20, currently 4/21)
Seattle, Washington
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Wurlitzer standard model Publix 1 information
The following is from Larry Chace via the PIPORG-L Internet mailing list (January 16, 1997):
"This model of organ was designed by Jesse Crawford for the Publix theatre
chain. The intent was to provide an impressive instrument (4 manuals) at a
reasonable cost ("only" 20 ranks, no 32', no 25" pressures) for the
"deluxe" theatres to be built by that company.
The first was opus #1123 (1925) for the Capitol Theatre in Detroit and the
last was opus #2164 (1931) for the Parmount Theatre in Oakland, California.
A total of 25 were built, described variously as "Special 4M", "260-4M",
and "270". (There is a "real" style 270 with a different specification.)
The instrument for the Chicago Oriental Theatre was opus 1262 (1926) and was
one of the first "ornate" consoles built by Wurlitzer. This was the first of
6 of this style for Chicago, all installed in the first four months of 1926.
Strangely enough, the last one (Oakland Paramount) was removed but was
then replaced by the first one, now serving (in expanded form) in that same
theatre. The original was for many years in the Paramount Music Palace
(and pizza restaurant) in Indianapolis; with the closing of that business,
the organ has gone "west". Another Publix #1, opus 2006 (1928, Paramount
Theatre in Toledo, Ohio), forms the nucleus of the organ in the Berkeley
Community Theatre.
I believe that there are still original installations in the Alabama
Theatre in Birmingham (#1783, 1927) and in the Paramount Theatre in Seattle
(#1819, 1927).
(This information comes mostly from "Theatre Organ" magazine, December 1969,
and from the Judd Walton book of standard specifications.)"
Chamber Layout:
Pipework for a standard Publix 1 was arranged in two chambers: Main & Solo. Frequently tuned
percussions were left unenclosed.
Left side
Main chamber
Tuba Horn
Diaphonic Diapason
Tibia Clausa
Solo String
Viol D'Orchestra
Viol Celeste
Concert Flute/Bourdon
Vox Humana
Right side
Solo chamber
Tuba Mirabilis
Brass Trumpet
Tibia Clausa
Orchestral Oboe
Brass Saxophone
Solo String
Oboe Horn
Vox Humana
Cathedral Chimes
Master Xylophone
Sleigh Bells
Master Xylophone
Standard Publix 1 Stoplist:
The stops given below are an "average" taken from a couple of Publix 1 stoplists.
As seems typical of larger Wurlitzers, the "standard" specifications were
modified slightly in many cases. For example, the 2-2/3' and 2' Tibia
unification may not have been always present. In some instances the
Diaphonic Diapason may also have played at 4' pitch, probably on the Great
and Bombarde.
16 Tuba Profunda
16 Diaphone
16 Tibia Clausa (S)
16 Bourdon
8 Tuba Mirabilis
8 Tuba Horn
8 Diaphonic Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Clarinet
8 Saxophone
8 Solo String #1
8 Viol D'Orchestra
8 Viol Celeste
8 Flute
4 Flute
16 Piano
Accomp to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Solo to Pedal
Pedal traps
Bass Drum
Kettle Drum
Snare Drum
Crash Cymbal
Pizzicato touch
16 Tuba Profunda
16 Tuba Mirabilis (TC)
16 Tuba Profunda
16 Diaphone
16 Tibia Clausa (TC)
16 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Tuba Mirabilis
8 Trumpet
8 Tuba Horn
8 Diaphonic Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Solo String #1
8 Solo String #2
8 Viol D'Orchestra
8 Viol Celeste
8 Concert Flute
4 Clarion Mirabilis
4 Clarion
4 Piccolo
4 Piccolo (S)
Great to Bombarde
Solo to Bombarde Sub
Solo to Bombarde
Second Touch
16 Tuba Profunda
8 Tuba Horn
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Tuba Mirabilis
8 Trumpet
8 Tuba Horn
8 Diaphonic Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Orchestral Oboe
8 Kinura
8 Clarinet
8 Saxophone
8 Solo String #1
8 Solo String #2
8 Oboe Horn
8 Quintadena
8 Dulciana
8 Vox Humana
8 Vox Humana (S)
4 Piccolo
4 Piccolo (S)
2-2/3 Twelfth (S)
2 Piccolo (S)
8 Piano
Cathedral Chimes
16 Solo String #1
8 Tuba Horn
8 Diaphonic Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Orchestral Oboe
8 Clarinet
8 Saxophone
8 Solo String #1
8 Solo String #2
8 Viol D'Orchestra
8 Viol Celeste
8 Oboe Horn
8 Quintadena
8 Concert Flute
8 Dulciana
8 Vox Humana
8 Vox Humana (S)
4 Piccolo
4 Piccolo (S)
4 Viol
4 Octave Celeste
4 Flute
4 Vox Humana
4 Vox Humana (S)
2-2/3 Twelfth (Flute)
2 Piccolo (Flute)
8 Piano
Accomp Octave
Solo to Accomp
Second Touch
8 Tuba Mirabilis
8 Tuba Horn
8 Diaphonic Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Saxophone
8 Solo String #1
8 Solo String #2
4 Tibia Clausa
4 Tibia Clausa (S)
Cathedral Chimes
Tibia Main
Vox Humanas
Tuba Mirabilis
Tibia Solo
Swell Shoes
16 Tuba Profunda
16 Diaphone
16 Tibia Clausa (TC)
16 Tibia Clausa (S)
16 Clarinet (TC)
16 Saxophone (TC)
16 Solo String #2 (TC)
16 Vox Humana (TC)
16 Vox Humana (S) (TC)
8 Tuba Mirabilis
8 Trumpet
8 Tuba Horn
8 Diaphonic Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
8 Orchestral Oboe
8 Kinura
8 Clarinet
8 Saxophone
8 Solo String #1
8 Solo String #2
8 Viol D'Orchestra
8 Viol Celeste
8 Concert Flute
8 Vox Humana
8 Vox Humana (S)
4 Piccolo
4 Piccolo (S)
4 Viol
4 Octave Celeste
4 Flute
4 Vox Humana
4 Vox Humana (S)
2-2/3 Twelfth (S)
2-2/3 Twelfth (Flute)
2 Piccolo (S)
2 Fifteenth (VDO)
2 Piccolo (Flute)
1-3/5 Tierce (Flute)
16 Piano
8 Piano
4 Piano
Cathedral Chimes
Master Xylophone
Sleigh Bells
Great Sub Octave
Solo to Great Sub
Solo to Great
Second Touch
16 Tuba Profunda
8 Tibia Clausa
8 Tibia Clausa (S)
Solo to Great
Solo to Great Pizz
10HP Orgoblo blower; 10" pressure except 6" for the Vox Humanas and 15"
for the Tibias, Tubas and Diapason (wooden Diaphonic bass).