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Paramount Theatre - Ron & Don
Seattle, Washington
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"To Our Friend and Partner in Crime, Sandy Balcom - Always Ron and Don"

Outside the theatre with a crowd of children
In the early days of the Paramount Theatre, Ron Baggott and Don Moore made up the popular "Ron & Don" duo. Starting out as local artists playing duo organ in Seattle neighborhood houses, they tried out for the Seattle Paramount in 1928 and were given the job as opening organists.
They are shown here, just outside the 9th Street side of the house with a mob of moppets, presumably involved in a Saturday matinee melee.
Ron & Don employed various effects with a small "slave" console which was connected in tandem with the main console. The main console would rise out of the pit with no one seated at it, yet playing wildly. Don would be in the pit with the lights out playing furiously as Ron stepped from the curtain bowing and pointing to the console. Then the spot would shift to Don at the slave console.
Another story involves a portable short keyboard on a long cable attached to the Great manual, Ron would walk up the aisle taking requests, start the tune with a one finger melody, and Don would immediately fill in the accompaniment from the console.
Ron & Don eventually traveled east and played many of the big houses on the east coast until the market for theatre organists pretty much collapsed by about 1932.
More information about Ron Baggott

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