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Hubley Residence - 2/12 Estey - hybrid
Seattle, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1947 - 1960's
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The Hubley residence organ was installed by Balcom & Vaughan in 1947. It started as a small 2/3 Estey Grand Minuette installed in 1930 at KJR Radio in the Skinner Building, downtown Seattle. In 1939, Balcom & Vaughan moved the organ to Bethany Lutheran Church in Warren, Oregon and two ranks were added. For the 1947 Hubley installation, Balcom & Vaughan added eight additional ranks to make a 2/12 instrument.
In the 1960's the organ was sold to Gennie Whitting who lived in the Northgate area of Seattle. The Estey console was replaced with a two-manual Robert Morton console formerly owned by Bill Bunch.

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