Seattle, Washington
201 Broadway at John
Organ installation timeframe: 1909 - 1934
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Society Theatre, c.1913
According to the Junchen opus lists, the Broadway Society Theatre originally had a 2/7 tubular pneumatic Kimball organ, installed in 1909.
In 1921, the Society Theatre was renamed the Broadway Theatre.

Ad for the Society Theatre, c.1913

Broadway Theatre, 1935
The renamed Broadway Theatre opened in 1921.
According to the published church history reseached by Jim Stettner, the organ was removed from the theatre in 1934. This was verified by Charlie Allen when he was living. He had been Arthur D. Longmore's assistant. Longmore moved the organ to the Stanwood Our Saviour Lutheran Church in 1934 at a cost of $1,200. It remained tubular-pneumatic, but an 8' Vox Humana was added to the Swell at that time - increasing its size to 8 ranks.
In 1956 work, Balcom and Vaughan electrified the organ with a new console, plus they extended the 30-note Pedal Bourdon using Doppel Flute pipes to make it play full-compass (32 notes) at both 16' and 8' pitches - plus they added a lieblich action on the 16'.
In 1974, Balcom and Vaughan Pipe Organs, Inc. made tonal modifications and additions as their opus 627 & 627A - increasing it to 11 registers and 13 ranks. This is its present status. The original 7 ranks and chests are still present. A new 8' oboe replaced the 1934, Longmore-added Vox Humana.
According to Jim Stettner, the original stoplist was:
W.W. Kimball Co.
ca. 1909
8' Open Diapason 61
8' Melodia 61
8' Dulciana 61
Octave Coupler (unverified)
Swell (Expressive)
8' Stopped Diapason 61
8' Gamba 61
4' Flute d'Amour 61
16' Bourdon 30
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell to Great Octaves (unverified)
Pedal Movements
Expression (bal.)
Crescendo (bal.) (unverified)
Action: Tubular-Pneumatic
Voices: 7
Stops: 7
Ranks: 7
Pipes: 396
The Broadway Theatre building still exists. It was converted to a Pay'n Save drug store in 1990 and now operates as Rite Aid.

Broadway Theatre building, 2002

Broadway Theatre building, c.1946

Broadway Theatre building, c.1948

Broadway Theatre auditorium, c.1940's