
Renton-Hall Theatre - 2/4 Smith-Geneva
Renton, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1925 - 1951
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The Renton-Hall Theatre had a 2/4 Smith-Geneva organ installed in 1925.
According to Jim Stettner, the organ was moved in 1951 to the First Presbyterian Church at 107 Main St. in Renton by Arthur D. Longmore and Charles Allen. It was installed "as is" without tonal changes - with the original console. It was a 2/4 with 27 stops.
Balcom and Vaughan moved the organ to the congregation's new building at 2640 Benson Rd. S. in 1960 as their opus 679, and they added 2 ranks. They replaced the original console with a new B&V console. The disposition of the original console is unknown.
In 1971, the organ was relocated to Calvary Lutheran (ELCA) in Ballard by Richard Warburton - at which time he removed the added celeste rank, reducing the organ to 5 ranks. As of 2006, it existed at this location with its four original ranks and chests, but w/o its original console.