
Paramount (Liberty) Theatre - 2/4 Wurlitzer
Kelso, Washington
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The Paramount was originally called the Liberty. A 2/4 Wurlitzer was shipped from the factory in November 1922 as opus #607, a Style B.
David Fox, who grew up in the Kelso/Longview area, recalls: "For most of its life this theater was called the Liberty. I grew up there in the late 30s through the mid 50s, and I had never heard it referred to as the Paramount. When I worked for the Longview Daily News in the late 50s I would sneak upstairs to pour through the bound volumes of the early editions (the paper started in 1923 [and] the theater was called the Liberty at that time)."
In 1941, the instrument was moved to Seattle and installed in a private residence. Interestingly, the Balcom & Vaughan opus list includes entries for two residences having this same instrument in 1941: Bob Dyer residence and Donald Drew residence.
The organ was later sold to Don Lewis of Seattle. Its current status is unknown.