
Bert Lobberegt Residence - 2/10 hybrid
Issaquah, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1978 - 2000
Back to the Northwest Theatre Organ History: Residences page
Wicks console in the Lobberegt music room, September 2000
Bert Lobberegt's Issaquah backyard was home to a 40-by-80 foot concrete building that contained what
Bert called his "junk collection," an accumlation of 30 years of junkyard snooping, 2nd hand shop
browsing, and dedicated bartering and bargaining from coast to coast.
In the late 70's and early 80's, PSTOS held many summer BBQ's and picnic get-togethers at the
Lobberegt's home and museum.
Bert was raised in Seattle and graduated from Roosevelt High School. In 1935 he started and operated a Signal Gas Station on 35th Ave NE in Seattle until 1946. He then built
Rollerland Rink in Renton which he owned and operated until 1955. In 1960 Bert moved to the Pine Lake area near Issaquah where he built his home and museum.
The "Little Alpine Museum" housed a beautiful collection of rare restored automobiles (1907-1922), orchestrions, nickelodeon pianos, radios, phonographs and an 1899 popcorn maker. A
1919 theatre pipe organ with grand piano installed in the main house was the centerpiece of the collection. This organ was originally from Seattle's Grey Goose (Beacon Hill) Theatre and was purchased in 1978 from Neal Wood of Seattle who had acquired it some years earlier.
The instrument was unique in that the pipes were in an attic chamber located above the large music room with stone fireplace. |
One section of the ceiling was covered with a burlap grill, permitting tone escapement. Bert laughingly told the story of its installation, saying nobody told him it should take several months or even years to install, so he did it in three weeks!
Another unique feature of the organ was a Brass Saxophone rank assembled by Don Myers using a set of spun brass resonators on Vox Humana blocks.
Bert passed away in December 1996. It is believed that portions of the collection have been
sold by the family. The pipe organ was sold by Bert's son to Russ Evans in September 2000.
Here, Tom Blackwell & Russ Evans lower the large rectifier from the attic chamber, Fall 2000 --> |
Stop List (taken from the console tabs at time of removal)
Two manuals, 10 ranks
32 Acoustic Bass
16 Tuba Profunda
16 Contra Bass
16 Bass Flute
16 String
16 Bourdon
  8 Trumpet
  8 Diapason
  8 Tibia Clausa
  8 Bass Violin
  8 Vox Humana
  4 Orchestral Diapason
  Bass Drum
  Snare Drum
  Triangle |
  8 Trumpet
  8 Open Diapason
  8 Tibia
  8 Flute
  8 Viola
  8 String
  8 Sax
  8 Vox Humana
  4 Diapason
  4 Tibia Clausa
  4 Flute
  4 Violin
  2 Tibia Clausa
  Snare Drum
  Tom Tom
  Wood Drum
  Sleigh Bells
  Bird Whistle
  Xylophone |
16 Tibia
  8 Trumpet
  8 Open Diapason
  8 Tuba
  8 Flute
  8 Viol d'Orchestra
  8 String
  8 Sax
  8 Vox Humana
  8 Orchestral Oboe
  4 Clarion
  4 Diapason
  4 Tibia
  4 Viol
  4 Vox Humana
  2-2/3 Tibia Twelfth
  2 Tibia Clausa
  1-3/5 Tibia Tierce
  Solo to Solo 16 |