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McDonald Residence - 2/17 Wurlitzer-hybrid
Centralia, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1999-2005
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Two manual Wurlitzer console
Mike McDonald has assembled a nice 2/17 organ is his Centralia organ loft. The organ has parts from several builders including Wurlitzer, Link, Kimball, Estey and others.
The two-manual Wurlitzer console previously controlled Russ and Jo Ann Evans' residence organ and was originally from the Empire Theatre in Anacortes, Washington.
3/21/99 update from Mike:
The chests are as follows: Link 4 rank, two Wurlitzer Style B 4 rank chests (one of them formerly owned by Dave & Barbara Elwood). Five single rank unit chests, 12 offset chests, five regulators and five trems.
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Loft chamber
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I feel that the organ will end up around 12 or 13 ranks. Toys I have today are: Harp, Xylophone, Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Bells (6 of them), Bongo, Cymbal, Doorbell, Triangle, Blocks and Wurlitzer sideman rhythm unit.
I have air to 11 chests and I'm starting to try to wire the relays. The chamber in 18' by 22' and will have two sets of shutters 5'x6'. The blower is a Spencer 3 HP downstairs.
Pipes are still to be determined but here is what I have to choose from:
Wurli. Harmonic Tuba 16'8'4', Wurli. Style D Trumpet 8'4', Kinura 8', Tibia 8'4' two sets, Concert Flute 16'8'4' two sets, Kimball Clarabella 8' 32 note, Violin 8'4', Vox Celeste 8'4' on 8" WP two Diapasons 8'4', one is a 2nd small scale and a Horn Diapason. Vox Humana 8'4', Clarinet 8'4'. Morton Muted Viol 8'4'2', and Vox Angelica 8'4'2. Two different Diapasons 8'4'2'. Skinner Capped Oboe 4'2', Viola 4'2', Estey Trumpet 8'4', Harmonic Flute 4'2'1' 8" WP. 16' Viola 12 note, two Diapasons 8'4', 16' Double Open Haskell basses 12 notes, Gottfried Tibia 4'2', Vox Humana, 8'4'.

12/16/99 update from Mike:
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Swell chamber
Chest 1: Vox Humana 8'4', Kimball Violin 8'4', Skinner Viola 8'4'2', Horn Diapason 8'4'
Chest 2: Kimball Clarinet 8'4', Wurli. Concert Flute 16'8'4'2'1', Wurli VDO 8'4', Gottfried Oboe Horn 8'4'
Chest 3: Kimball Orch. Oboe 8'4', Morton Concert Flute Cel. 8'4'2'1', Gottfried small Tibia 4'2'1'
Solo chamber
Wurli. Kinura 8', Estey Viola 16'8'4'2', Wurli. Style D Trumpet 8'4', Wurli. Harmonic Tuba 16'8'4', Wurli. Tibia 16'8'4'2'1'

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