
Dream Theatre - 2/11 Estey
Bremerton, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1917-1924
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The Dream Theatre (Osran Amusement Co.) originally had a 2/11 Estey, opus 1531, installed in 1917. According to Eugene Nye's detailed records, the organ was purchased by Seattle's Fremont Baptist Church in 1924 for $2,500.00 and moved/installed by Balcom & Provorse without modifications.
According to Jim Stettner, all the original ranks are still present, though there have been some tonal changes and additions. The original stoplist was as follows (from Balcom & Vaughan files):
Great (Enclosed)
8 Open Diapason 61
8 Concert Flute 61
8 Viol d'Amour 61
4 Flute d'Amour 61
Bar Bells (tc - c49) (37)
Great 16'
Unison Off
Great 4'
Swell (Enclosed)
8 Lieblich Gedeckt 61
8 Viol d'Orchestre 61
8 Vox Angelica (tc) 49
4 Flauto Traverso 61
8 Orchestral Oboe 61
8 Vox Humana 61
Bar Bells (Gt) - -
Bass Drum
Swell 16'
Unison Off
Swell 4'
Pedal (Enclosed w/Great)
16 Bourdon 30
8 Bass Flute 12
Swell to Pedal 8
Great to Pedal 8
Swell to Great 16,8,4
Finger Pistons
Swell & Pedal 1 - 4
Great & Pedal 1 - 4
Pedal Movements
Swell Expression (bal.)
Great Expression (bal.)
Crescendo (bal.)
Action: E-P; primary
Voices: 11
Stops: 19; inc. percussions
Ranks: 11
Pipes: 640
In 1952, as their Opus 547, Balcom & Vaughan made some limited tonal changes to the organ. All the original ranks and chests were retained as was the original console. A new 8' Open Diapason was added to the Great on the Estey chests, and a new 8' Dulciana was added on a new B&V (Kilgen-style) unit chest. The original Great 8' Open Diapason was moved to the Swell, and chimes were added. The Bar Bells were moved to the Swell but left disconnected, and all other percussions were removed. A toe stud was added, and the stoprail was also modified. The resulting stoplist was:
Great (Enclosed)
8 Open Diapason 61
8 Concert Flute 61
8 Muted Viol 61
8 Dulciana 61
4 Flute d'Amour 61
Chimes (Maas; ta - f2) (21)
Great to Great 16'
Great Unison Off
Great to Great 4'
Swell (Enclosed)
8 Open Diapason 61
8 Lieblich Gedeckt 61
8 Viol d'Orchestre 61
8 Vox Angelica (tc) 49
4 Flauto Traverso 61
8 Orchestral Oboe 61
8 Vox Humana 61
Swell to Swell 16'
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Swell 4'
Pedal (Enclosed w/Great)
16 Bourdon 30
8 Bass Flute 12
Swell to Pedal 8
Great to Pedal 8
Swell to Great 16,8,4
Finger Pistons
Swell & Pedal 1 - 4
Great & Pedal 1 - 4
Toe Studs
Gt. to Ped. (rev)
Pedal Movements
Swell Expression (bal.)
Great Expression (bal.)
Crescendo (bal.)
Action: E-P; primary & unit
Voices: 13
Stops: 15; inc. chimes
Ranks: 13
Pipes: 762
In 1968, as their Opus 547A, Balcom & Vaughan rebuilt the Estey console in order to bring it as close as possible to A.G.O. standard. A new 32-note pedalboard was installed along with new manuals, new stoptablets, a new combination action, and new relays. The cost of this work was $2,575.25. The resulting and present (2003) stoplist is:
Great (Enclosed)
8 Open Diapason 61
8 Concert Flute 61
8 Muted Viol 61
8 Dulciana 61
4 Flute d'Amour 61
Chimes (Maas; ta - f2) (21)
Great to Great 16'
Great Unison Off
Great to Great 4'
Swell (Enclosed)
8 Open Diapason 61
8 Lieblich Gedeckt 61
8 Viol d'Orch. 61
8 Vox Angelica (tc) 49
4 Flauto Traverso 61
8 Orchestral Oboe 61
8 Vox Humana 61
Swell to Swell 16'
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Swell 4'
Pedal (Enclosed w/Great)
16 Bourdon 30
8 Bass Flute 14
Swell to Pedal 8,4
Great to Pedal 8,4
Swell to Great 16,8,4
Finger Pistons
General 1 - 6
Swell & Pedal 1 - 4
Great & Pedal 1 - 4
Gt. to Ped. (rev)
Toe Studs
General 1 - 6
Gt. to Ped. (rev)
Pedal Movements
Swell Expression (bal.)
Great Expression (bal.)
Crescendo (bal.)
Action: E-P; primary & unit
Voices: 13
Stops: 15; inc. chimes
Ranks: 13
Pipes: 764
Stoplists and Balcom & Vaughan rebuild information, courtesy Jim Stettner 2003.