
Central Lutheran Church - 2/5 Robert Morton
Bellingham, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1934 - present
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Two-manual Robert Morton console, (photo: Jeff Fox, 1999)
The Central Lutheran Morton was originally installed in Pendleton Oregon's
Alta Theatre in 1926.
In 1930, it was removed from the theatre by Balcom & Vaughan and in the Spring of 1934 it was installed in the church's original sanctuary.
According to the dedication program (Sunday May 13, 1934) found by Jeff Fox, Ronald Hooper of Seattle presided at the console for an opening program before the service. At this time Mrs. Boyden B. Spees was the church organist.
When the church moved to their new location in 1955, the Morton went with them.
The organ has its original four ranks: Vox, string, Diapason, and Flute plus an added Tuba Clarion.
There are no traps except the Chimes.
The instrument was actively used by the church through 2014 where Jeff Fox was organist. In 2015, Jeff moved out of the area and the organ was posted for sale on Craigslist but was not sold.