
Shafter & Robson Residence - 3/ Morton hybrid
Portland, Oregon
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The Shafter & Robson residence organ currently has 9 ranks playing, plus 4 Devtronix master oscillator tone generators, and one independant set of generators, also Devtronix. The installed pipework is as follows: Morton - Tibia, Diapason; Estey - VDO, labial Sax; Maas (Morton Voicers) Salicional, Harmonic Trumpet; Tellers Kent - Oboe Horn; Wurlitzer - Concert
Flute, Vox Humana. |
According to Bob Shafter, the console is a converted two-manual Allen with Wicks keyboards. Other modifications include a new front board from an Estey electronic console and a replacement back made of Phillipine Mahagony stained to match. The shoulders are solid Walnut. The overall height was raised 8 inches - very little of the original console is still visible.
Chests and relays are ready for a Morton Violin, Tuba, Vox Humana. A Wurlitzer Glockenspiel and Chinese wood block are currently the only percussions but a Kimball Xylophone, Wurlitzer Chrysoglott and small toy counter are being prepared.
Also in the works is a three-manual Morton console, originally from Portland's First Christian Church and later installed by Terry Robson in the Roseway Theatre. |
