
Markworth Residence - 2/8 Kimball & 2/4 Kimball
Portland, Oregon
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2/8 Kimball console, 1969

During installation, 1969
The Markworth 2/8 Kimball was originally installed in the D&R Theatre in Aberdeen, Washington. In 1944, Balcom & Vaughan installed the organ in Portland's Ice Arena Rink.
Accordinf to Bob Rickett, when the rink closed, the organ was sold to a party in Lower Alameda and installed by Cleo DeAutrey. In the late 1960's, it was purchased by Dave Markworth and installed in his home.
Status of most of the organ is unknown, but the console appeared on the eBay Internet auction site in January, 2005. See the D&R Theatre page for pictures from the eBay item description.
Prior to the 2/8 Kimball, Dave Markworth had a 2/4 Kimball from the Brown (Smith) Theatre in Snohomish, WA. Current status unknown. Photos courtesy Bob Markworth.

2/4 Kimball console, 1959

Percussions, 1959

Rare Kimball Shuffle, 1959