Marks Residence - 3/18 Kimball
Portland, Oregon
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Console of the Marks Kimball, c.1973 |
Ted Marks was an avid theatre organ hobbiest who had the large Kimball from the Bagdad Theatre installed in his Portland area home.
By August 1965, Ted had enlarged the instrument to 18 ranks.
The instrument was later sold to an individual on the East coast. It was installed at the Galaxy Theatre in Guttenberg, New Jersey. Current status unknown.
Ted's first instrument was a 2/4 Kilgen from Portland's Capitol Theatre. It was installed in Ted's home by Cleo DeAutrey. This instrument was sold to Leonard Vernon of Astoria. |
Ted also owned a 3/8 Wurlitzer which he stored at his auto body shop. Unfortunately, Mr. Marks died before he could rebuild the instrument. The organ was sold to the owner of the
Sherwood (Robin Hood) Theatre in Sherwood, Oregon.