
Chaldean (Kenton) Theatre - 2/4 Wurlitzer, Style B
Portland, Oregon
Denver Ave at Schofield St.
Organ installation timeframe: 1925 -
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Denver Avenue, looking North from Schofield Street, c.1925
After the silent era, the organ was donated to the Portland Elks Club by Colonel Woodlaw. It remained there for many years until it was purchased by Floyd Chamberlain and later by popular Northwest organist Gerry
Gregorius in 1969.
In 1990, the organ was purchased by Dave & Barbara Elwood of Vancouver, Washington. They had intended to install the organ in their home, but decided to sell it in 1998. Parts are now owned by various individuals in the Northwest and Mid-West. The two-manual console, four-rank manual chest, regulators and Tuba are now owned by
Tom Blackwell of Issaquah, WA.

1925 ad for the Chaldean Theatre

Chaldean (Kenton) Theatre building, c.2013. Photo courtesy Larry Mayer