
Don & Alva James Residence - 2/8 Wicks
Hillsboro, Oregon
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James Wicks console
In 2004, the instrument was offered for sale. The following ad appeared on the Theatreorgans.com classifieds:
FOR SALE WICKS 2 MANUAL 8+ RANK THEATRE ORGAN. Wicks # 879 (Orange Theater, Orange, CA 1931) and #476 (Granada Theater, Lagrande, OR 1924). Antique White and Gold trim Console. Chests: two 4 rank Wicks Direct Electric; Ranks: Wicks: 8' Concert Flute, 8' Diapason +16' Wurlitzer Diaphone; Gottfried 8' Clarinet; 16' Tibia Clausa, 8' Strings (VDO and Cel.) and 8' Tuba; Vox Humana. Extra unit and offset chests; + Wicks 8' string, 16' Concert Flute, Morton 8' Trumpet, 2ND Touch on Accomp. Relay is Wicks from #476 transistorized in 60's plus additional switches, includes Wicks remote capture combination action (not connected). Blower:Spencer Orgoblo 700cfm at 15", 5 hp single phase 220v + 220v 3phase motor. 3 Wurlitzer regulators, plus a Wicks for shutters and toys. 3 tremulants. Full Toy Counter with Chrysoglott, Chimes (25note) Glockenspiel, Xylophones (2- Wicks and Wurlitzer). Swell Shades 2 3' by 5' and 1 5' by 5' Wurlitzer. Playing in my home. Nice quieter/gentler organ on 7.5". Easy removal at ground level thru OH door. Pictures available.