
Mayflower Theatre - 2/5 Robert Morton
Eugene, Oregon
11th Ave.
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The Mayflower had a 2/5 Robert Morton installed in 1922. According to Eugene Nye's detailed records, the organ was moved to the EUB Church in Dalles, Oregon in August 1946.
Rich Hazel of Eugene recalls: "the Mayflower [was] a small movie house on 11th Avenue adjacent to the U.O. campus. Like most single screens it became less popular in the '60s and '70s. A notable exception was when Star Wars was released. Curiously, the Mayflower (with, perhaps, the smallest auditorium in town) booked the high risk, unknown film and it played to packed, overheated houses for weeks. I know nothing about the organ there. There was a Mayflower model at the center of the small proscenium arch. The Mayflower came down in, I believe, the late '80s for parking and office space..."
Lanny Hochalter of Salem, Oregon was contracted by the Uniservice Corp. in 1990 to install the instrument in the new Sunnyside Little Chapel of the Chimes in Portland, OR. According to Lanny, he first saw the organ "in 1989, dismantled in a casket warehouse."
Article from the Oregonian June 7, 1990