
Ellen Theatre - 2/7 Wurlitzer, Style E X
(original installation)
Bozeman, Montana
17 W. Main St.
Organ installation timeframe: 1925 - present
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Main St., c.1936

Another view, c.1936



Ellen Theatre interior, Wurlitzer console visible in orchestra pit. Scanned from the album cover of the LP "On the Wings of Love" (1969) by Ed Pegram, Concert Recording CR-0046.

Ellen Theatre, c.1940s

Montana Standard December 3, 1944. Ed Pegram performs for a U.S.O. benefit.

Ellen Theatre two-manual Wurlitzer console. Scanned from the album back of LP "On the Wings of Love" (1969) by Ed Pegram, Concert Recording CR-0046

The Ellen Theatre Wurlitzer (opus #979) was installed as a Style E X (two chambers). It was shipped from the Wurlitzer factory in January, 1925 and is still playing at the theatre.

Ed Pegram working in the chamber. Scanned from the album back of LP "On the Wings of Love" (1969) by Ed Pegram, Concert Recording CR-0046

W. Main Street, Ellen Theatre on right, c.1930

Main Street, date unknown

July 1976, showing entrance canpoy and marquee in use at that time. Photo courtesy Jeff Fox.

Restored entrance, c.2019. Image courtesy Bozeman Daily Cronicle.
According to the Ellen Theatre website, the non-profit group that operates the theatre, Montana TheatreWorks, fundraised $400,000 in 2018-2019 to complete a makeover of the theatre's facade, including reproduction stained-glass entrance canopy, windows and doors.

Ellen Theatre interior, c.2019. Image courtesy Ellen Theatre. Note stage extension covering orchesta pit. It is unknown if the Wurlitzer organ is still accessible.