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St. Maries Theatre - 2/4 Wicks, Style 55
St. Maries, Idaho
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According to the Junchen opus lists, the St. Maries Theatre had a 2/4, Style 55 Wicks (opus #458) installed in 1923.

According to Jim Stettner of Seattle, the instrument "was moved in 1945 by Balcom & Vaughan to Advent Christian Church at 1300 E. Olive on Capitol Hill and rebuilt/enlarged as their opus 417. It was enlarged to II/7 with both the Great & Swell independent. The console is original/extant, though somewhat rebuilt inside. I'm not sure what the original 4 ranks were.....I haven't been inside the chamber since 1991."
The present stoplist is:

Great (enclosed)
 8     Diapason                        61
 8     Melodia                          61
 8     Dulciana                         61
       Chimes  (ta - e41)          (20)
 2     blank, yellow tablets

Great to Great 4'

Swell (enclosed)
 8     Stopped Flute                  61
 8     Salicional                        61
 8     Voix Celeste            (tc)   49
 4     Harmonic Flute                61
 2     blank, yellow tablets

Swell to Swell 16'
Swell Unison Off 
Swell to Swell 4'

Pedal  (enclosed)
16    Bourdon                (Sw)   12
 2     blank, yellow tablets

Swell to Pedal                         [8]
Great to Pedal                         [8]

Swell to Great                      16,8,4

Finger Pistons  (Fixed, blind, unlabeled)
Sw. 1
Sw. 2
Gt. 1
Gt. 2

Toe Studs

Pedal Movements
Expression                           (bal.)
Crescendo                            (bal.)

Action: E-P; Kilgen-style unit chests.

Voices:  7

Stops:  9; inc. chimes

Ranks:  7

Pipes:  415

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