
Empress Theatre - 2/ Kimball
Cordova, Alaska
Organ installation timeframe: 1919 -
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Lathrop Building, date unknown
The Empress Theatre opened in 1911. The theatre was constructed by Austin Eugene "Cap" Lathrop in a building that previously housed a clothing store.
A two-manual Kimball was installed in 1919. Current status unknown.
Similar Kimball unit organs were also installed in the Lathrop-owned Empress Theatres in Anchorage and Fairbanks.
Articles from The Diapason, 1919
Ernest Krauter was organist at the Empress in 1926.
Performers on the Empress stage, c.1913
Performers on the Empress stage, c.1913
The Lathrop Building was destroyed by fire on October 10, 1951