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Skating Rinks With Theatre Pipe Organs
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Many of the following Roller and Ice Skating Rink organs were installed by Balcom & Vaughan in the 1940's and 50's:
Civic Ice Arena - 3/8 Wurlitzer
Playland Rink - 2/9 Wurlitzer
Ridge Rink - 2/9 Wurlitzer
Rolladium Rink - 3/10 Wurlitzer
Rollerbowl Rink - 3/10 Wurlitzer
Rollerfair (Skateland) Rink - 3/5 Wurlitzer
Federal Way
Roller Gardens - 3/11 Wurlitzer
Olympia Skating Rink (1944) - 2/8 Wurlitzer (lost in fire)
Adams Skate Rink - 3/10 Robert Morton
King Roller Rink - 2/8 Wurlitzer
Roller Bowl Rink - 2/8 Wurlitzer
Midway Rink - 2/ Robert Morton
Redondo Beach
Redondo Skating Arena - 4/10 hybrid
Rollerland Rink - 4/8 Robert Morton
Portland, Oregon
Ice Arena Rink - 2/8 Kimball
Imperial Skating Rink - 3/18 Wurlitzer - Wood
Oaks Park Skating Rink - 4/18 Wurlitzer
Astoria, Oregon
Blue-C Roller Rink - 2/4 Wurlitzer
Viking Roller Rink - 5/24 Marr & Colton
Medford, Oregon
Ice Arena Rink - 2/6 Robert Morton
Athol, Idaho
Silverwood Ice Palace - 3/17 Wurlitzer

Lots of info coming soon!
We have lots more information on these and other skating rink organs in our archives and hope to have it entered soon.

Indicates photographs are included

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