
Northwest Theatre Organ History
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1966 ATOE National Meeting, July 8-11 1966
The following is an edited version of a review published in Theatre Organ, Summer 1966, V8 No2.


Master of Ceremonies - Ben M. Hall
Convention Headquarters - Heathman Hotel
Registration Fee - $6.50 for member and immediate family
Following a leisurely registration on Friday afternoon at the headquarters Heathman Hotel and a social hour later that evening, nearly 700 ATOS members walked around the corner to the Portland Paramount to hear a midnight show by Don Baker. M.C. Ben Hall introduced the famous organist who promptly road the lift up out of the orchestra pit. Don's selections were varied and impressive including "Hidustan" and "Scheherazade." |

Don Baker |

Don French |
Popular northwest organist Don French was the artist for the Saturday morning concert. He handled the Imperial Rink Wurlitzer with ease, impressing attendees with the variety of sounds he was able to produce with the completely unenclosed instrument. |
The coveted Saturday evening concert slot was reserved for Mildred Alexander at the Oriental Theatre. Her studies with Atlanta Fox organist Bob VanCamp and Radio City Music Hall's Dick Liebert showed through in her fine playing and arrangements. Her fancy pedal technique had the audience buzzing. |

Mildred Alexander |

Scott Gillespie |
Immediately following Mildred's concert, relative newcomer Scott Gillespie took to the console as the second part of an organ "double-header." Scott was a student of Gus Farney (of Salt Lake City Bray's Organ Loft fame). He impressed the crowd with his wonderfully constructed program in the finest theatre organ style. |
Sunday morning came early for members who attended the double concert the night before. Members piled into buses headed for Oaks Park Roller Rink where Don Simmons was resident organist. Don's playing was representative of the "Northwest skating style" where a steady beat is maintained while multiple contrasting passages are played. |

Don Simmons |

Jonas Nordwall |
Sunday afternoon buses took attendees to Portland State College where Ben Hall gave a lecture and film presentation about classic movie palaces. After intermission, the young Jonas Nordwall performed admirably on a Rodgers 33-E. |
The banquet (held at Portland's Masonic Temple) was a highlight of the Annual Meeting. Vice-President Erwin Young announced that 23 of 25 chapters were represented and 696 people were seated in the banquet room. The Board of Directors was introduced and then President-elect Dick Schrum and his wife Marilyn were introduced.

ATOE member banquet at the Masonic Temple |
Dick was presented with the signet of office (a second octave E-note Tibia Clausa pipe). Later Tiny James was introduced as the 1966 ATOE Honorary Member of the Year. |
After dessert, Puget Sound chapter (PSTOS) members provided live stage show entertainment including comedy and musical acts. The capable Dan Adamson was M.C. The famous "Martha Lake" also made an appearance.
Immediately following the banquet, the famous Ray Bohr (from Radio City Music Hall) performed a final midnight concert at the Paramount Theatre. Ray was in top form. According to those who attended, Ray's use of second touch voices was masterful.

Lining up for Ray Bohr's show |

Ray Bohr at the console |
Monday morning, buses departed for the Bill Blunk studio and Howard Vollum residence. Dick Schrum put the Blunk studio 5/24 Marr & Colton through the paces. At the conclusion of the program, waiting buses took members to the Howard Vollum residence where Jim Roseveare perfomed on the 4/33 (former San Francisco Paramount) Wurlitzer.

Dick Schrum (at the console) introduces Bill Blunk |

Jim Roseveare |
A number of convention artists scheduled to appear did not make it to Portland because of an airline strike. This included John Muri and Bryan Rodwell from London.