
2002 Events
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December 31, 2002. West Seattle's Hokum Hall New Year's Bash. Hokum Hall. Seattle, WA.
December 22, 2002. Dorothy Watson and Susan Westmacot in Concert at the Mt. Baker Theatre. Mt. Baker Theatre Bellingham, WA.
December 8, 2002. PSTOS Christmas Party at Haller Lake. Our big annual holiday fun get-together with lots of music, food, and fun. Haller Lake Community Club.
November 24, 2002. Barry Baker in Concert at the Elsinore Theatre. Elsinore Theatre, Salem, OR.
October 27, 2002. Octoberfest at HLCC German music on the organ (and more!) with Hokum Jeebs, German food, and a great time. Haller Lake Community Club, Seattle, WA.
September 21, 2002. Simon Gledhill in concert. England's Simon Gledhill is one of the world's best theatre organists. Everett Theatre, Everett, WA.
September 8, 2002. England's Chris Powell in concert at the Wilcox Wurlitzer residence 4/48 Wurlitzer. See a great young organist in the only U.S. concert for his 2002 world tour! Wilcox Wurlitzer Home.
August 10, 2002. Summer tour and picnic. A visit to the Masterman "automatic musical instrument museum" followed by a summer picnic and music at the Bill & Nita Keller home with custom three-manual Allen Theatre Organ. Keller Residence, Tacoma, WA
August 3, 2002. Tom Hazelton in concert. Internationally known theatre organist Tom Hazelton returns for another great concert. Everett Theatre. Everett, WA
July 20, 2002. Steamboat Bill Jr. starting starring Buster Keaton & Ernest Torrence, accompanied by Brad Miller. With Special Guest Appearance by “Captain Alexander Griggs." Pièce de résistance - Joan Vandivort’s Apple Dumpling Dessert. Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center. Wenatchee, WA.
July 13, 2002. Summer Social. Another summer music event at the home of Russ & Jo Ann Evans. Evans' Residence. Kenmore, WA.
April 21, 2002. Jeff Fox in concert at the Mt. Baker Theatre Wurlitzer. Mt. Baker Theatre. Bellingham, WA.
April 21, 2002. Organist and history buff Jeff Fox presents an informative lecture on Bellingham area theatres and theatre pipe organs, followed by a concert on the Mt. Baker Theatre Wurlitzer. Whatcom Museum of History & Art. Bellingham, WA.
April 14, 2002. Barry Baker in concert. The Washington Center is presenting Barry to celebrate completion of the earthquake repairs. Washington Center. Olympia, WA.
April 10, 2002. Eric Shoemaker accompanies some silent comedy shorts and performs solo musical works on the theatre's three-manual Allen ADC-4500. All proceeds benefit the theatre's marquee restoration project. Bijou Theatre, Lincoln City, OR.
March 24, 2002. Rick Parks in concert. Rick is the resident organist at Salem's Elsinore Theatre and a fine musician. Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR.
March 22, 2002. "The Sound of Silents" Silent comedies of Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy and Gloria Swanson, with live accompaniment by Brad Miller on the newly restored 4/32 Austin in Lewis and Clark High School, Spokane, WA.
March 17, 2002. St. Patrick's Day Celebration .Jointly sponsored by PSTOS and Haller Lake Community Club. Jo Ann Evans with favorites on the pipe organ and Charlotte Blackwell with traditional Irish harp music. Also movies and a sing-a-long. Haller Lake Community Club. Seattle, WA.
February 10, 2002. "Golden Memories" - Valentines Edition with Museum organist Brad Miller. Love songs and romantic music of the past 75 years, singalongs, and silent movies. Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. Wenatchee, WA.