
1999 Events
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December 14, 1999 Rick Parks accompanies Goldrush with Charlie Chaplin. Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR
December 5, 1999 Annual PSTOS Christmas Party. Andy Crow at the console of the PSTOS theatre organ. Haller Lake Community Club
December 1, 1999 Rick Parks accompanies: The Gold Rush with Charlie Chaplin. Bijou Theatre. Lincoln City, OR
November 13, 1999 Patti Simon & Dick Kroekel in Concert at the Museum 2/9 Wurlitzer and grand piano.
North Central Washington Museum. Wenatchee, WA
November 9, 1999 Rick Parks accompanies Cameraman with Buster Keaton. Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR
November 3, 1999 Joseph Svogar accompanies the 1926 classic: Faust. Bijou Theatre. Lincoln City, OR
October 29, 30 & 31, 1999 John Nafie accompanies the 1924 Lon Chaney silent Phantom of the Opera Bremerton Community Theatre. Bremerton, WA
October 31, 1999 Silent film performance world premier: Teller (of the magic team Penn & Teller) performs the German-to-English translation for F. W. Murnau's FAUST with live musical score performance by the Filmharmonia Duo: Dennis James (WurliTzer Theatre Organ and Theremin) and Mark Goldstein (Buchla Lightning Wands).
Paramount Theatre. Seattle, WA
October 30, 1999 Andy Crow plays for Halloween! St David of Wales Church, Shelton WA.
October 29, 1999 Halloween Silent Movie - Phantom of the Opera with Lon Chaney accompanied by 'Erik' the Phantom Organist. Sponsored by Oregon Chapter ATOS,
Cleveland High School. Portland, OR
October 24, 1999 Don Feely in concert. Sponsored by Columbia River Organ Club. Hughey residence, Portland OR.
October 2, 1999 Everett Theatre - "Premiere of the Pipes"
with Andy Crow accompanying the Buster Keaton silent classic "Steamboat Bill, Jr."
Everett Theatre Everett, WA
September 10-12, 1999
One Big Weekend, Opus VI. Hosted by PSTOS. Friday: Pre-glow with Walt Strony. Saturday: Don Feely, Eric Shoemaker, Hokum Hall. Sunday: Patti Simon & Dick Kroeckel at the Johnson mansion.
August 15, 1999
Ken Double in Concert. Sponsored by Columbia River Organ Club. Hollywood Theatre. Portland, OR
August 14, 1999
"Pizza & Pipes". Brian Ingoldsby accompanies several Charlie Chaplin silents. All you can eat pizza $7.50. Kids 12 and under $4.50
North Central Washington Museum. Wenatchee, WA
Jul 25, 1999
PSTOS Summer Social. Brian Ingoldsby in a cameo concert at the 3/18 Wurlitzer, followed by open console. Russ & Jo Ann Evans residence Kenmore, WA
Jul 19, 1999
Silent Movie Mondays at the Paramount. Dennis James accompanies Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.
Paramount Theatre. Seattle, WA
Jul 12, 1999
Silent Movie Mondays at the Paramount. Dennis James accompanies the adventure The Black Pirate.
Paramount Theatre. Seattle, WA
Jul 5, 1999
Silent Movie Mondays at the Paramount. Dennis James accompanies the mystery The Bat.
Paramount Theatre. Seattle, WA
Jun 29, 1999
PSTOS hosts AKCHO at Franklin High School. PSTOS presents history of the Franklin theatre organ to the Association of King County Historical Organizations. Tedde Gibson at the organ. Franklin High School. Seattle, WA
Jun 28, 1999
Silent Movie Mondays at the Paramount. Dennis James accompanies the comedy That Certain Thing directed by Frank Capra.
Paramount Theatre. Seattle, WA
Jun 21, 1999
Silent Movie Mondays at the Paramount. Dennis James accompanies the comedy Seven Chances with Buster Keaton.
Paramount Theatre. Seattle, WA
Jun 14, 1999
Silent Movie Mondays at the Paramount. Dennis James accompanies two Charlin Chaplin comedy featurettes: The Pilgrim and A Dog's Life. Paramount Theatre. Seattle, WA
Jun 13, 1999 Tacoma Pizza & Pipes Open Console & Social. Pizza & Pipes. Tacoma, WA
Jun 7, 1999 Silent Movie Mondays at the Paramount. Dennis James accompanies the comedy Show People with Marion Davies. Paramount Theatre. Seattle, WA
Jun 5, 1999
Uncle Milt's Closing Concert Bash. Wendy Kieffer-Patrick, Donna Parker, Andy Crow, Dean Lemire, Skip O'Donnell and more!
Uncle Milt's Pipe Organ Pizza Co.Vancouver, WA
May 22, 1999
Jonas Norwall in concert at the Elsinore. Sponsored by Columbia River Organ Club.
Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR
May 11, 1999
Rick Parks accompanies "The Kid" with Charlie Chaplin.
Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR
Apr 25, 1999
John Giacchi in concert playing Organ Pops.
Johnson Mansion. Gig Harbor, WA
Apr 13, 1999. Jonas Nordwall plays Allen's George Wright Signature Series, model 319. Presented by Cox Music. Bothell, WA.
Apr 13, 1999. Rick Parks accompanies "Seven Chances" with Buster Keaton
Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR.
Mar 9, 1999. Rick Parks accompanies "The Circus" with Charlie Chaplin. Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR
Feb 14, 1999. Valentine's Day Concert & Social featuring Tedde Gibson at the organ. Haller Lake Improvement Club. Seattle WA
Feb 9, 1999. Rick Parks accompanies "The Three Ages" with Buster Keaton. Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR
Jan 12, 1999. Rick Parks accompanies "Angora Love", "From Soup to Nuts", and"Two Tars" all featuring Laurel & Hardy. Elsinore Theatre. Salem, OR