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Whitting Residence - 2/10 Robert Morton - hybrid
Seattle, Washington
1223 NE 108th
Organ installation timeframe: 1960's - 1983
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This Robert Morton hybrid instrument was installed in Gennie Whitting's north Seattle home largely through the efforts of Don Myers. It was a combination of parts from several organs including the 2/3 Estey from KJR Radio previously owned by William Hubley and the two manual Robert Morton console from the Liberty Theatre in LaGrande Oregon, previously owned by Bill Bunch.
The organ was put up for sale in 1979 and a farewell openhouse was held in January of 1983.
The week following the openhouse, Don Myers, Jack Becvar and Mike Wallace removed the instrument to storage.
Mike Wallace later installed the instrument (with additions) in the Neptune Theatre. The installation was never completed and the instrument was dispersed for parts.

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