
Queen Anne Theatre - 2/4 Robert Morton
Seattle, Washington
2201 Queen Anne Ave. at Boston St.
Organ installation timeframe: 1922 -
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Queen Anne Theatre, date unknown
Editor's note: The photo above was incorrectly associated with West Seattle's Portola (Admiral) Theatre in several online and print publications. The error was noticed and corrected by Seattle area silent film buff David Jeffers.
The Queen Anne Theatre opened in 1911. According to the Junchen opus lists, in a two-manual Kimball organ was installed in 1910.
In September 1922, the Queen Anne Theatre reopened to the public after a complete upgrading which included installation of a 2/4 Robert Morton theatre pipe organ. Interestingly, in the news article below, a three-manual instrument is described.
In 1929, the Queen Anne Theatre closed and the name was transferred to the former Cheerio Theatre located at 1529 Queen Anne Ave.
The following article appeared in a local paper:
Thousands Have Been Spent In Remodeling and Equipping Popular Hill Theatre
A surprise awaits Hill residents who go to the Queen Anne theatre Sunday evening or any evening thereafter. Consistent with his policy to give his
patrons the best the market afforded Mr. Steele has spared no expense in remodeling and re-equiping his playhouse at Queen Anne and Boston.
$10,000 Organ
Perhaps the most important addition to the theatre is the new $10,000 Robert Morton Concert Auditorium Organ. The organ was originally designed
and built for the municipal auditorium at Fresno, Calif., but when Mr. Steele placed his order for an organ and expressed a desire that the
instrument be rushed to Seattle, the manufacturers consented to delay delivery of an instrument to Fresno and shipped the specially constructed
Robert Morton to Seattle for the Q.A. Theatre.
The organ has more than 600 pipes and also includes a unit comprising everything in the line of traps, drums, bells, xylophones, and cymbals. The
voice ranges from very soft to thunder-like loudness. The console comprises three keyboards and a complete series of stops. Miss Cawthorn, talented
organist, will preside at the console. The organ was installed under the personal supervision of C.M. Balcom, Superintendent of Construction with
Sherman, Clay & Co.
The theatre has also been completely redecorated under the personal direction of A. Weissenborn, of the Weissenborn Decorating Co., known all
along the coast for their theatre decorating. The pictures will be flashed on a new Gardiner Silver Leaf screen installed by B. F. Shearer, Inc.,
dealers in theatrical equipment. This type of screen is used in all the better theatres throughout the country.
A new heating and ventilating system has been installed by the Washington Sheet Metal Works. This means that Queen Anne residents are going to enjoy the most comfortable and best ventilated picture house in the city. The beautiful drape curtain was purchased from Grunbaum Brothers Furniture Co. The new curtain adds greatly to the appearance of the interior of the theatre.
Indirect Lighting
The ornamental plaster work framing the stage opening, the artistic light containers and art vases are products of the Architectural Decorating Co., F. J. Hahn, manager. The indirect lighting system will surely meet with the approval of the Hill movie fans. It gives ample light without the
irritating glare accompanying direct lighting.
Mr. Steele has spent close to $10,000 in the remodeling of his picture house. He appreciates the patronage of Hill residents and is reciprocating
by making every effort to give them the best community theatre in Seattle. As for pictures, Mr. Steele announces that future pictures will be even
better than those in the past and it is a well known fact that he has been showing most of the better pictures of today. His opening picture Sunday, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", one of the most talked-of pictures of the day, gives one an idea of the class of pictures to be run.
Capacity houses during the opening week and the weeks following will convince Mr. Steele that his efforts have been appreciated by those in our
community. A man of his progressive ideas is worthy of our support.
To Our Patrons---
It has always been our endeavor to give the residents of Queen Anne Hill the best pictures and music. With the installation of
A $10,000 Robert Morton Concert Organ
A Gardiner Silver Leaf Screen
A new Heating and Ventilation System
We will be able to offer our customers entertainment on a par with any picture house in Seattle.
Our new heating and ventilating system will insure your comfort while enjoying the picture.
The new decorations, draperies, and drape curtain make for a very cozy, attractive interior.
The new indirect lighting system will please you.
Queen Anne Theatre
W. L. STEELE, Proprietor
Queen Anne and Boston
Garfield 0856
SUN.-MON.-TUES., OCT. 1-2-3