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Chehalis Theatre - 2/8 Wicks - Robert Morton
Chehalis, Washington
558 N Market Blvd
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Chehalis Theatre, c.1999
The Chehalis Theatre originally had a 2/8 Wicks-Robert Morton built for the American Photoplayer Co. and installed in 1923.
Records indicate the current structure was built in 1938. It is unknown if the earlier 1920's theatre was in the same location. The current building was recently converted back to a theatre after having served as a video rental store for several years.

Market Blvd., Chehalis Theatre on left, c.1960s

According to Jim Stettner, "the organ still exists in Seattle in somewhat rebuilt form at St. Paul's English Lutheran in Fremont. All the original ranks are present. It had an exposed facade of 27 gold pipes with a painted floral pattern near the top." The dates for removal from the theatre and re-installation at St. Paul's are unknown.
The original stoplist was:

Great (Enclosed)
8    Open Diapason                   73
8    Melodia                         61
8    Dulciana                        73
4    Concert Flute                   12

Great to Great 8'  [Unison Off]
Great to Great 4'

Swell (Enclosed)
8    Stopped Diapason                61
8    Salicional                      61
4    Flute d'Amour                   12
4    Violina                         12
8    Oboe & Bassoon                  73
8    Vox Humana                      73
      Chimes  (ta - e2)             (20)

Swell to Swell 16'
Swell to Swell 8'  [Unison Off]
Swell to Swell 4'

Pedal (Enclosed)
16  Bourdon                          30

Swell to Pedal                        8
Great to Pedal                        8

Swell to Great                     16,8,4

Finger Pistons
Swell                               C, 1 & 2
Great                               C, 1 & 2

Pedal Movements
Expression                           (bal.)
Crescendo                            (bal.) 

Action:  E-P & D-E  unit

Voices: 8

Stops: 11; inc. chimes

Ranks: 8

Pipes: 541
The instrument was rebuilt and enlarged by Balcom & Vaughan in 1954 as their opus 593. A new III-man. B&V console was built with the intent of adding a future Choir Division (which to date has never been added). Balcom & Vaughan added an 44-pipe, wooden, 16'/8' Open Diapason unit to the Pedal of unknown etiology. The original Great 8' Open Diapason was moved to the Swell and renamed Violin Diapason. A new Great 8' Open Diapason was added on a new E-P unit chest. The Swell 8' Trompette with flared bells is the 3rd new rank added by B&V - also on a new unit chest. The rebuilt (and present [2003] stoplist was/is as follows:

Great (Enclosed w/Swell)
8    Open Diapason                   61
8    Melodia                         61
8    Dulciana                        61
4    Octave                     (Sw) 12  (V.D.)
4    Flute                           12  (Mel.)
      Chimes  [gone]                [20]

Great Unison Off
Great to Great 4'

Swell (Enclosed)
8    Violin Diapason                 61
8    Stopped Flute                   61
8    Salicional                      61
8    Voix Celeste                    61
4    Flute                           12  (S.F.)
22/3 Nazard                           7  (S.F.)
2    Flautina                         5  (S.F.)
8    Trompette                       61
8    Oboe                            - -
8    Vox Humana                      61
Swell to Swell 16'
Swell to Swell 4'

Choir (Prepared-for)
8    Open Diapason                   - -
8    Concert Flute                   - -
8    Viol d'orchestra                - -
8    Viol Celeste                    - -
8    Dulciana                        - -
4    Harmonic Flute                  - -

Choir to Choir 16'
Choir Unison Off
Choir to Choir 4'

Pedal (Enclosed)
16  Open Diapason                   30
16   Bourdon                        30
16   Gedeckt              (Ped/Sw)  - -
8     Octave                        12
8     Flute                   (Sw)  - -
51/3  Quint               (Ped/Sw)  - -
4     Principal           (Ped/Sw)  - -

Swell to Pedal                         8
Great to Pedal                         8
Choir to Pedal                         8

Swell to Great                     16,8,4
Choir to Great                     16,8,4

Swell to Choir                      16,8,4

Finger Pistons
Master                                  1 - 5
Swell                                    1 - 5
     Sw. to Ped.                      (rev)
     Sw. to Gr.                        (rev)
     Sw. to Ch.                        (rev)
Great                                    1 - 5
     Gr. to Ped.                       (rev)
Choir                                     1 - 5
     Ch. to Ped.                       (rev)
     Ch. to Gr.                         (rev)
Pedal                                    1 - 5

Toe Studs
Sw. to Ped.                           (rev)
Gr. to Ped.                            (rev)
Ch. to Ped.                            (rev)

Pedal Movements
Sw/Gt Expression                 (bal.)
Choir Expression                   (bal.)
Crescendo                            (bal.)
Action:  E-P & D-E unit

Voices: 11

Stops: 21

Ranks: 11

Pipes: 669
While the Choir division is only prepared-for - it can be used as a coupling manual for the Swell.
Combinations are adjusted from two setter boards located in vertical drawers in each of the two stopjambs.

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