
Heilig Theatre - 2/4 Robert Morton
Eugene, Oregon
Willamette St.
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The Heilig Theatre had a 2/4 Robert Morton installed in 1924. After the theatre, the organ ended up in the auditorium of the Chico State College in Chico, California along with some Wurlitzer parts. At one time, PSTOS member Dave Schutt owned pieces of this instrument, but its current status is unknown.

Willamette Street, c.1958

Willamette Street, Heilig signage visible over street, date unknown.
Rich Hazel of Eugene recalls: "[the Heilig] sign [hung] across Willamette Street until the new sign code forced its
removal in the late '60s. The theater was a victim of urban renewal not long after that..."

From the IATSE web site. (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada):
Eugene, Oregon, Local 675--By Ralph H. Ward: - - The old Heilig Theatre was closed with the last show Sunday, June 3rd [1973]. Urban Renewal own it now and they claim it was not safe as a beam in the roof had sagged. Western Amusement received their notice to close the Friday before so they did not have much notice. Many old timers hated to see the old show house close. There were many good shows and famous actors and actresses on its stage during the vaudeville days.

Heilig Theatre playbill, c.1925

Heilig Theatre playbill, c.1927
The January 1925 Newsyvents features the following articles: "Vaudeville Now Well Received"; "Fritz Leiber to Give Two Performances"; "Captain Blood Coming to Heilig"; "Peter the Great is New Film Star"; "Charley Lowe Master of Various Arts of Stagecraft" and more with photos of Fritz Leiber in and out of costume, a Vitagraph picture of Captain Blood; and Peter the Great.
The February 1927 Newsyvents (Vol II, No. 6) measures 6" x 9", contains seven pages and four photos, Lon Chaney, Scene from "Snatchers", Commander Byrd, "Jiggs and Maggie", and a sketch of Lillian Gish and Lars Hanson from 'The Scarlet Letter'. Articles include: "New York Comedy Sensation Due at Heilig", "Lon Chaney Coming in Mighty Drama - His Last Big Hit", "Faust is Glamorous, Virle and Filled with Some Tragic", "Lillian Gish Plays Role of Hester Prynue", "Beau Geste Comes in Big Road Show Production", "World Aviator Commander Byrd Lectures", and others.

Willamette Street at night, Heilig signage visible at end of street


Newspaper review for "Captain Blood" showing at the Heilig in 1924