
Wilma (Missoula) Theatre - 3/10 Robert Morton (2nd organ)
Missoula, Montana
131 S Higgins Ave
Organ installation timeframes:
1st organ 2/6 Morton: 1920 -
2nd organ 3/10 Morton: 1950's - present
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Higgins Ave, c.1944
The Wilma Theatre originally had a 2/6 Robert Morton installed in 1920. Fate of this instrument is unknown.

Higgins Avenue, c.1960
3/10 Robert Morton - new installation 
In the 1950's, a larger, 3/10 Robert Morton from Spokane's Orpheum (Pantages) Theatre was installed. As of 2001, this instrument is still playing in the theatre. In fact, the owners plan to refurbish the instrument and elevator lift. Plans also call for a new Rickman Uniflex relay and the addition of a Posthorn and Flute Celeste.

Andy Crow, February 2000
PSTOS member Andy Crow has recently accompanied a number of classic films at the Wilma. Here, he is shown with Steve Plaggemeyer, Jesse Crawford Chapter President, February 2000 |
In addition to the theatre, the Wilma building houses 25 apartments. At eight stories, it is one of the tallest buildings in Missoula.
Interestingly, when the theatre was originally built in 1920, the basement held the "Crystal Plunge" swimming pool. This attraction was closed after only 10 years due to weakening the structure caused by condensation.

Photos © 2000, Charlotte Rushton http://www.charlotterushton.com

Wilma "W" over the ticket booth |

Comfortable auditorium seats |

Wilma stage and proscenium. The auditorium seats 1,063.


