
Star Theatre - 2/6 Wurlitzer, Style 160
Weiser, Idaho
30 E. Idaho Street
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Idaho Street looking West, c.1913
The Star Theatre had a 2/6 Wurlitzer Style 160 (opus #440) installed in 1921. A Style 160 included the following ranks: Trumpet, Open Diapason, Salicional, Salicional Celeste (TC), Flute, Vox Humana. There was no Tibia and the only 16' rank was the Flute/Bourdon. Current status is unknown.
In the pictures shown here, the Star Theatre is located in the Knights of Pythias Lodge Hall building at 30 E. Idaho Street. Records also show a Star Theatre at 342 State Street. It is unknown which location had the organ, although one reference indicates that the location with the organ had 450 seats. Records indicate the theatre may have also operated under the name "White Star."

Star Theatre, 1914
Click here for an enlarged view of the theatre entrance (172K size).

Postcard view of the Star (Pythian) Theatre,
date unknown.